How Many New Fashion Brands Are There

What is fast fashion?

Fast Way – inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-marketplace retailers in response to the latest trends.

Oxford Dictionary

The fashion manufacture formerly worked on a seasonal bicycle of spring, summertime, fall, and winter. Designers who fabricated fashionable apparel would program their clothing out for months. They'd be based on what they believed customers would want in the near future.

Starting in the early to mid 2000'southward, more wearable manufacturers made copycat clothing from major fashion week track shows at a cheaper price (which is legal.) It was cheaper and faster for to practice.

As more consumers began buying them, companies were producing faster and faster to keep up with need. Unfortunately, it's lead to many consequences including:

  • Textile waste
  • Unsafe constructed chemicals or pb in some clothing
  • Humans rights abuses
  • Labor trafficking
  • Harmed animals
  • Climatic change

Fast Manner Brand Facts

  • fourscore billion new pieces of habiliment are consumed worldwide every year, which is 400% more than 20 years ago.
  • Each year, the boilerplate American generates 82 pounds of material waste.
  • $500 Billion of value gets lost yearly due to lack of recycling and clothing underutilization.
  • Open up-loop product cycles used past fast manner companies results in water and land pollution.
  • Among all fast fashion items produced, 3 out of 5 of them finish up in a landfill.

Fast Way Brand Clues

Good On You lot presents great tips on spotting brand that practices fast fashion. The common signs they requite are:

  • Brusk turnaround fourth dimension of clothes on the catwalk to the shelves
  • Thousands of styles focusing on the latest trends
  • Clothing in limited quantity
  • Clothing made of inexpensive textile
  • Cheap labor from offshore manufacturers

There are many brands that testify all these signs. Some of the worst fast fashion companies include:

  • Zara
  • H&M Group
  • Shein
  • Mango
  • GAP
  • Pretty Picayune Affair
  • Forever 21
  • Topshop
  • Esprit

In order to bring meaningful modify to the manner manufacture, we need to stop giving our business to these harmful fast fashion clothing stores. Here'due south a list of height brands you can start fugitive moving forward.

Contempo Headlines:

  • Walk this way! Kate Middleton inspiring image-obsessed millennials to shun 'fast fashion'
  • The fast-growing answer to fast fashion: made-to-order

Worst Fast Fashion Companies

Zara logo 31 fast fashion brands to avoid

1. Zara

Zara is one of the biggest creators of fast fashion. Their designers put out 12,000 new designs per year. It'due south been reported that they have a pattern-to-retail mode of almost five weeks.

Nearly reputable companies take half dozen months instead. To top off Zara'south reputation in fast mode, their Brazil factories are known for slave like conditions.

While Zara plans to only use sustainable materials by 2025, many are skeptical of their green initiatives. Only the company hasn't appeared to make any pledges to slow downward manufacturing plant production. If you're interested in reading, they've besides recently published a sustainability manifesto.

2. H&M (Hennes and Mauritz)

H&K is the second largest vesture retailer with 3,500 stores and is considered one of mode'southward biggest polluters. Their staff is underpaid for their pricing and they have been known to copy higher end fashions. H&K has also been defendant of greenwashing with window displays saying "climate crusader" and "eco-warrior."

The visitor'due south foundation recently announced a 100 million dollar investment to get consumers to recycle clothes like they recycle Coke cans. Simply H&M is still receiving criticism for making vague sustainability claims.

3. Uniqlo

Uniqlo is a Japanese retailer that's had multiple labor rights violations from i of their Chinese suppliers. As of 2016, they've received complaints that their workers were being forced to work excessive overtime for low pay rates under unsafe weather.

While the company dismisses the idea that they're fast fashion, Good On You all the same gives them an ethical rating of "It's a Start". Their labor rating was given a "Not Expert Enough" score for not listing all their suppliers or providing proof of paying a living wage. But recently they signed on to the Bangladesh Accord, which is an agreement to ensure safety for People's republic of bangladesh workers past not working with factories that don't provide condom work conditions.

4. Shein

Shein is 1 of the most popular fast fashion companies amongst Gen Z. They add thousands of styles on their website everyday. They're one of the biggest contributors to over-consumption of wearable adding to the waste material on our planet.

Shein has faced major issues with copyright infringement. The company has stolen designs directly from higher end clothing companies, using the exact same images those companies use to promote them. 1 news report went and then far as to say indie brands are at war with Shein.

The company has also sold some offensive items such as a Buddhist swastika necklace and a phone case with a blackness person outlined in chalk. Lastly, Shein doesn't disclose any data about the piece of work weather at their factories, despite being defendant of child labor.

Shein Crowned 'Most Manipulative' Fast-Fashion Website: Report

5. Stradivarius

Stradivarius has 900 stores worldwide and was bought out by Inditex in 1999. They've had repeated accusations of poor working atmospheric condition and low wages.

six. Mango

In 2013, a commercial building in Bangladesh collapsed, leading to the deaths of over 1,000 people and injuries to around ii,400.

One of Mango's factories was destroyed in the collapse. Of 29 brands who had manufacturing in the building, only 9 offered bounty to victims and Mango was non one of them.

Skillful On Yous's overall rating of Mango's ethics was non good enough. They want to see the visitor disclose more than information virtually their animal welfare and labor practices.

7. Topshop

Topshop is working on adding more eco-friendly materials to make their products. But the company provides little information about reducing their greenhouse gases or hazardous chemicals.

At in one case the company was selling Joni skinny jeans every ten seconds. It'southward doubtful with that much demand the visitor has taken much time to produce their vesture sustainably. Topshop has as well provided trivial information about whether they pay workers an adequate living wage.

viii. Pretty Footling Affair

Pretty Little Thing is endemic past Boohoo and a function of the rise of ultra-fast fashion. Like Shein, they're aimed at a younger audience, having leveraged social media to grow into the fast fashion empire it is today.

They are defendant of relabeling cheaper brands like Fruit of the Loom and reselling them for twice the price. One customer complained she institute a fruit of the loom label on a pair of leggings that were marked as Pretty Little Matter.

Workers too spoke out to labor advocates most BooHoo having them continue to work in their distribution centers during the peak of the pandemic. An contained inspect past Boohoo found that they did put profit over the prophylactic of their workers. Though Boohoo pushes back on the notion they're a throwaway fashion brand.

Large fast fashion companies

nine. Nike

It's widely known that Nike had sweatshops and paid their workers incredibly depression wages. While those weather have improved somewhat since the 90s, in 2017, labor rights experts were blocked from independently monitoring Nike'south supplier factories. For this reason, it'd be best to avoid buying from them until they practise much more to ensure their workers are beingness treated adequately.

ten. Forever 21

Forever 21 uses almost exclusively constructed fabrics, which are bad for the environs. They also did not sign the Bangladesh accordance, which was a guarantee to ensure garment workers safety and rights.

They've been sued and pursued by the Department of Labor multiple times for workers violations in the US and aboard, including in Los Angeles. In improver, they have been sued by garment workers who had to work half-dozen days a calendar week and 12 hours a day for less than minimum wage.

Recently, Forever 21 filed for bankruptcy. Information technology's considered a small victory in the fight against fast fashion. Information technology'south believed that changing consumer tastes towards more sustainable fashion was a contributing cistron towards the decline in sales.

xi. Primark

Primark is a fast fashion company based out of Ireland and headquartered in Dublin. Dorsum in 2014, "SOS", pregnant "Sink or Swim", was establish stitched into labels inside clothing produced past the company.

Primark dismissed the outcome as a hoax, but another note was produced in the same year. It indicated the company's factory workers were overworked, being assigned fifteen hours per day.

As far every bit sustainability, Primark has invested in using more eco-friendly materials such every bit sustainable cotton. But Expert On You still challenges Primark to exercise more to minimize their carbon footprint.

12. Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters is targeted primarily at younger adults with wear, footwear, beauty products, activewear, and equipment. Their staff suggests they are underpaid and are asked to work weekends for free.

Urban Outfitters claims to not use child or slave labour, but take provided niggling show to support that, and refuse to share information well-nigh their supply chain. A news source recently reported that Urban Outfitters uses LA sweatshop labor to make their wearing apparel. Another news source reported that Urban Outfitters stopped paying their factories by using Covid-xix as an excuse.

xiii. Espirit

Critics say that Espirit is not taking plenty steps to minimize it's textile waste product. They don't provide much information packaging or their emissions across their supply concatenation. In recent years, they've attempted to become more eco-friendly.

14. Missguided

Missguided is a British brand which appeals to women 16-35 of all shapes and sizes,. They too take a line called Mennace, aimed at men.

The company has been known to illegally use fur from cats, dogs, and rabbits for their shoe lines. Half of Missguided's clothing line is made of non-recycled plastics.

In 2019, they sold bikinis for one pound under the advent of trying to empower women, only it highlighted the issue of throwaway culture.

15. Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret is a designer of women's clothing and lingerie. They have a long list of allegations including formaldehyde lawsuits, child labor, and sexual harassment towards their models.

Co-ordinate to a Business Insider article, Victoria's Secret is completely on the bandwagon for fast fashion with the expectation that their production should exist able to restock with new designs twice a week. In 2020, Victoria's Hole-and-corner dumped 100'due south of bras in the dumpster, which will in all likelihood add to our landfill waste.

16. Rip Curl

Rip Ringlet is known for making sportswear. Sadly, some of their products were fabricated past forced labor in North korea.

The land's forced labor has been referred to as modernistic slavery. Rip Curl has since apologized and are working on making sure this error doesn't happen once again.

The company receives a very poor rating for sustainability. Rip Gyre needs to use more eco-friendly materials and provide more than evidence they're reducing their carbon footprint.

17. Zaful

Zaful is mode company that's based out of Hong Kong. They basically provide no information well-nigh any good they exercise for the environment or their supply chain.


Guess has worker rights problems going dorsum to the 1980s. They were among the first businesses to brand headlines for use of sweatshop labor in the 1980s.

19. GAP

GAP is a huge retailer with over 3,000 stores intentionally, specializing in mens, womens, and kids wear as well equally footwear. They have many problems, including unpaid labor at both their retail stores and factories, as well as forcing abortions on their manufacturing plant workers. In 2013, employees at one of their factories were reportedly working over 100 hours per calendar week.

20. Hollister

Hollister is a clothing company endemic past Abercrombie & Fitch. Equally popular and financially successful every bit they are, very fiddling of heir finances goes towards eliminzating hazardous chemicals from their products. They as well don't take adequate steps to ensure their workers are paid a living wage.

21. American Eagle

American Hawkeye has g stores worldwide and is known for selling on-trend jeans and casual wear to young people. They've had a very poor history with ensuring good labor conditions.

There was an unsafe sandblasting incident in 2015, and also a leaked video in 2011 of workers being treated poorly. Additionally, they've shown no evidence that they're moving towards eliminating chancy chemicals in their supply chain. But in 2019, the visitor announced a 20-year activity program for sustainable manufacturing.

Fast mode companies in the UK and other countries

22. Peacocks

Peacocks is a British group with 600 stores that used to sell home appurtenances, but made the transition to "value style" and sells poor quality wearable with a low paid staff. If that's not bad enough, they also sold a perfect "inflatable woman" who was designed to exist "sexy" and "nag complimentary."

23. Massimo Dutti

Massimo Dutti is a Spanish endemic apparel company known for cheap clothes with 781 stores. They are owned past the same Inditex company known to underpay employees, pay niggling regard to the environment, and churn out vast quantities of poor clothing.

24. Adidas

Adidas, known for activewear, wearing apparel, and shoes, is the biggest manufacturer in Europe. The company actually does well with labor conditions simply they are less sustainable, using products like wool, down and leather to make their wears. But in 2021, they announced a new low carbon footprint sneaker.

25. ASOS

ASOS, supposedly standing for "Every bit Seen On Screen," is a British online only retailer selling more 850 brands including their ain. They're another fast mode visitor pop with Gen-Z. ASOS has added as many equally 7,000 new styles per week.

The company faced scrutiny in 2019 afterward posting a picture of one of their models wearing an ill-fitting wearing apparel held on by clips. Many of their social media followers criticized for the misleading portrayal of the item.

Information technology raised the issue of how ofttimes habiliment that are produced by large clothing brands don't fit the manner they're advertised. It's another case of the poor quality of fast fashion.


Hot Topic is well known for selling apparel to teens and young adults that are into pop culture. They are also known for underpaying their employees while selling poor quality.

27. Nasty Gal

Nasty Gal thrives on influencer collaborations. It's important to agree influencers accountable for fast fashion too.

Unfortunately, Nasty Gal reveal little almost environmental initiatives on their website. They don't appear to apply any eco-friendly materials and they don't share any information about their supply concatenation policies.

28. Anthropologie

Anthropologie is known for selling adventure-inspired, elegant collections. Unfortunately, this company doesn't appear to avoid chancy chemicals in their wear. Additionally, their supply chain has no certifications for labor standards that ensure worker safety and living wages.

29. Dior

Dior is secretive about their supply chain and where their materials come up from. Their final stage of production is done in countries that accept a medium risk of labor abuse.

While they take their ain restricted substances list, there'due south little evidence of meaningful steps to eliminate hazardous chemicals from their wearable.

30. New Wait

New Wait is a UK make with hundreds of stores that sell article of clothing for men, women, and teens. Some of the fast fashion traits this company reflects include regular new arrivals and on trend styles.

31. Wish

Wish is similar to Shein, in that they offer what look like higher cease products only to actually ship lower quality results. Overall, they provide no information virtually sustainability or ethical practices.

32. Fashion Nova

Fashion Nova is ane of the fastest growing women's clothing lines establish on the cyberspace. Nonetheless, they offer no information about their ecology policies, and their supply chain is non certified by labor standards. It was discovered in 2019 that Style Nova's Los Angeles' workers were underpaid.

More than Fast Mode Companies

33. Benetton

Benetton was another company that besides did non compensate it'southward workers initially after the mill collapse in Bangladesh in 2013. They neglected to offer any monetary support until two years later.

The brand gave coin to the Dhaka manufactory plummet fund. Additionally, Benetton final stage of product is sourced from countries with an extreme risk of labor abuse.

34. Men'south Warehouse

Men'south Warehouse does non provide information on how they're products are impacting the environs. They also use leather, wool, and down in making their wearable, and do not state where they source their materials. Only Men'south Warehouse does have a sustainability clothing line.

35. Weekday

While Weekday is improving in using more than eco-friendly materials in their fashion line, they still exhibit fast traits such equally regular new arrivals and on-trend styles. It's a critical comeback that must happen to reduce the waste on our planet.

36. Wallis

Wallis is owned by Boohoo, and thus also offers on-trend styles and regular new arrivals which add to the problem of waste product on our planet. Additionally, they do not provide adequate data on their commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

37. Miss Selfridge

Miss Selfridge is a British fast manner company that doesn't appear to make whatever attempts to reduce information technology's clothing manufacturing. The company also doesn't provide much evidence of reducing information technology's use of chancy chemicals.

38. River Island

River Island doesn't share much data virtually how their environmental polices help the planet. They besides use animal products such as leather and wool to make some of their products.

39. Pull&Conduct

While they take prepare a target for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, Pull&Bear don't provide data about whether they're on track to hitting that mark. The company did recently beginning a Bring together Life drove that's more sustainable.

Overall, they don't use equally much eco-friendly materials to make their clothing, and some of information technology'south last stage of production takes place in Espana, which is known to have some labor abuse.

40. Oasis

Oasis sources it's final stage of production in countries that accept a risk of potential labor abuse. At that place's also little testify of living wages existence provided to the workers. The company was recently bought by fast wardrobe empire Boohoo.

41. Next

Similar to other brands on this list, Next doesn't provide much evidence they are reducing their textitle waste, nor does it provide much evidence of post-obit water reduction initiatives. Their supply chain has no certification of labor standards to ensure worker safety.

How to Avert Fast Clothing Businesses

The desire for new clothes and the latest trends is understandable. The pricing of some of the listed clothing companies can be very enticing too. Here'due south how you can resist the urge to buy from them.

i. Don't Buy Too Much

Simply buying less habiliment, whether it's low or high quality, can help put a paring in the fast industry past making it less profitable. Ownership fewer articles of wear influences manufacturers to stop making and so much.

2. Cheque for Quality

Take a moment and look at that shirt, clothes, or pants y'all want to buy. Is the material sparse?

A piece of clothing with very sparse material will probably not terminal long. Equally a result you'll have to buy a new pair sooner rather than afterward.

You as well shouldn't be able to pull the seams autonomously to let light through. Pants that are meant to last should e'er feel heavier and stiff. The zippers should exist made of metal instead of plastic.

In full general, your clothes should feel fairly durable. If you lot don't remember the clothing will final, don't buy it, no matter the price.

Simply buy something if you think you'll be able to wearable information technology 30 times or more. Larn more than about this in a New York Times article on How to Buy Apparel That Are Built to Terminal.

3. Expect For Used

Buying used clothing reduces the wearable's overall impact on the surroundings. It won't be thrown away and get waste matter.

4. Do Your Research

Research brands ahead of time and know which ones produce ethically. Buying from brands that don't make eco-friendly clothing and don't care for people well only encourages them to go along doing that.

While the listing we provided isn't comprehensive, as yous can run into, many of today'due south major companies produce an excessive amount of wearable. In that location needs to be more concern for the workers, the environment, and intellectual belongings rights.

For the sake of the planet and human rights, we recommend you avert them and choose sustainable alternatives. Your clothes will last longer and the planet will also. Brand it your sustainable new year resolution to quit fast wardrobes once and for all.

Helpful resources:

  • eight Slow Manner Brands Helping To Save The Planet
  • How To Take a Sustainable New year's day's Eve Party for 2022
  • 12 Means To Conserve Energy in 2022

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