Cute Fashion Guide Emo Indie Fashion

Emo is a slang term used to describe a subculture, which is somewhat derived from the hardcore punk scene. The usage of the term has evolved dramatically over the years. Therefore, the definition of the term "emo" tin can vary, depending on the subject field and decade.


  • 1 History
  • 2 Music
    • 2.i Emocore
    • 2.2 Midwest Emo
    • ii.3 Emo Pop
    • 2.four Screamo
  • three Visual
  • four Fashion
  • v Resource
    • 5.ane Customs
    • five.2 Vendors
  • vi Gallery


In the 80s, emo showtime developed in the D.C. hardcore punk scene as a name for the fans of the music genre known as "emotive hardcore" or "emocore" in short. The hardcore punk scene of that fourth dimension was dominated by a "tough guy" mentally, and a whole new scene emerged - aka "Revolution Summer" - as a protest from violence at local shows. People started to use the term "emocore" to distinguish bands from that scene from others. Non only most of them were confronting violence, their music became more challenging and, actually, it was not just hardcore - they were pioneering in mail-hardcore. They were calculation emotional lyrics to the more melodical hardcore punk audio. The songs are unremarkably dealing with past, loss and angst, and are characterized by overly dramatic vocals, akin to crying or screaming. While the initial genre is still not forgotten today, it's more obscure then other subgenres.

Over a decade after, the word has been adopted by a new generation of emotional music within the hardcore punk scene and spawned a cultural phenomenon that is known as the nowadays emo subculture. Merely similar how punk itself has inverse over the years, emo as well has evolved to beyond the initial version, but still firmly holds on its roots in emotional music within the hardcore punk scene. Too, different "eras" were distributed by "waves" - commonly, there are four of such.


Also the original emocore, many other types of punk subgenres have become associated with the subculture due to the vague definition of the initial genre. Most of the music consists of bands that sing and/or scream about the various emotional hardships in everyone's life, and the vocals are often combined with harsh guitar riffs and heavy drums for the typical sound.

Many subgenres have developed over the years, which tin can be found below.


Emocore is mail-hardcore, but more than emotional and somewhat melodical. Also known equally "Revolution Summer" or "first wave". Notable bands include Rites Of Spring, Embrace (Usa), Moss Icon, Greyness Matter and Dag Nasty. This term was highly rejected by the bands, just now it is used to distinguish them and emo bands of other waves.

Midwest Emo

Often considered the more than light-hearted, math-rock influenced variant of Emo, Midwest Emo tends to get for more of an Indie/Geek vibe than the darker, angsty Emo original recipe. 90s stuff is ordinarily known as "2nd wave", and 10s or 20s - "quaternary wave" or "(midwestern) emo revival".

For more than data on this aesthetic, please check out our Midwest Emo page.

Emo Pop

Emo-popular is genre combining emo and pop-punk. Emo-pop features a music style with more concise songs and claw-filled choruses. Well known emo-pop bands are Fall Out Male child, Paramore, My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco. This music genre is not the same as emocore. However, one can withal identify equally emo if they tend to listen to more emo pop, since emo-pop is a type of emo music. Also known every bit "tertiary wave".


Screamo (also referred to every bit skramz) is an aggressive subgenre of emocore that emerged in the early 1990s, emphasizing "willfully experimental noise and dynamics". Screamo is strongly influenced by hardcore punk and is characterized by the employ of screamed vocals. Lyrical themes usually include emotional pain, death, romance, and human rights. Popular bands in Screamo include:

  • Antioch Arrow
  • Circumvolve Takes the Square
  • City of Caterpillar
  • I Hate Myself
  • iwrotehaikusaboutcannibalisminyouryearbook
  • Old Gray
  • Orchid
  • Pg. 99
  • Poison the Well
  • Saetia


Emo often somewhat overlaps with other subcultures visually, such as Goth (much to the chagrin of the Goths, who absolutely detested the Emo Kids at the time of their ascent in popularity, likely due to the defoliation betwixt the ii scenes) and Scene, due to dealing with negative emotions equally its major topic.

Obvious connotations to negativity and cynicism are a mutual theme in many of the visuals, and often reflected in the course of texts. Characters are ordinarily looking a bit empty or spaced out, maxim pulp things. Common motifs also include cleaved hearts, skulls, guns, splatters, and music notes.


Outfits are night and mainly consist out of band tees, skinny jeans, oversized hoodie jackets, and Antipodal or Vans shoes. Some of the more pop accessories are razor blade necklaces, safety bracelets, stripe arm warmers and tights, likewise as studded belts that often feature a check design. In the past, the most common places for people to shop were Hot Topic and Claire'due south, but since the rise of the net amid the mainstream, online shopping has become more than popular.

Many members of this subculture will also spot diverse body mods, the most pop ones being stretched ear lobes, facial piercings, and tattoos. The hair is usually kept long regardless of gender and features side-swept bangs and choppy layers, commonly dyed in a deep black colour, occasionally with additional colorful sections or streaks. Blackness eyeliner is iconic for the makeup and sometimes enchanted further with a matching eyeshadow.


External links to help become a meliorate understanding of this aesthetic.

  • So Emo


  • Attitude Clothing
  • Blue Assistant
  • Darkside
  • EMP
  • Hot Topic
  • Iron Fist


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