Old Fashion Purple Stripped Tootsie Rolls

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The Tootsie Whorl Cocktail is a black processed cocktail fit for Halloween. Made with root beer and coffee liqueur, information technology tastes just like the processed. Even though information technology'southward spooky and dark, information technology is refreshing and sure to satisfy whatsoever sugariness tooth! What's in a Tootsie Roll drink and how do you make it? Let's observe out!

two tootsie roll cocktails garnished with a black and white straw next to a bowl of candy

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Sure, there's ghosts and monsters, costumes and masks and jack-o-lanterns, only we all know that Halloween is about i thing and ane matter just:


Candy, candy and more candy. Correct?!

When I was a fiddling kid, I loved dressing up, but to be honest the candy was a huge draw. Such a typical child, I know!

Information technology was merely SO fun dumping out a bag of colorful, sugary boodle all over our living room floor simply to meet what all I picked up!

It was a neat mode to endeavour new types of candy, likewise. A future foodie in the making, I guess!

It should be no surprise that now, as an adult, I have taken my love of Halloween candy and turned information technology into a fun Halloween cocktail in the grade of a Tootsie Roll drink.

Candy and cocktails are a fun combination for Halloween, like these Mad Scientist cocktails that are made with Skittles vodka.

a top view two cocktails garnished with a black and white straw next to a bowl of candies

Tootsie Roll Drinkable

This Tootsie Roll drinkable is a candy cocktail that looks like a poisonous, dark potion. A trick! But also a treat!

It's a sweet and fizzy root beer-based drink that'south spiked with smooth, velvety Kahlua.

This is definitely one of those gustation-bud trickers. Information technology seriously tastes exactly like a archetype Tootsie Gyre candy. I'yard non kidding I bit.

Candy-lovers volition adore information technology.

a tootsie roll cocktail garnished with a black and white straw

What's in a Tootsie Roll drink?

Like this bourbon and ginger ale cocktail, the Tootsie Scroll Cocktail is genuinely one of the easiest drinks you'll e'er make.

All you need are 2 ingredients to mimic that classic Tootsie Ringlet flavor.

Yes, yous read that right.

Only two ingredients — and honestly they are kind of surprising!

The ii ingredients are Kahlua and root beer.

You probably wouldn't ordinarily call back those would go together, only they do! And it'due south delicious.

two tootsie roll cocktails with a bowl of tootsie roll candies spilling out onto the table

How to make a Tootsie Roll drinkable

To brand a Tootsie Roll Cocktail, take hold of your favorite pint glass and fill it upwards with ice. This is a drinkable that you'll want to enjoy ice-cold.

Cascade ii ounces of Kahlua over the water ice, and so fill the glass upwardly to the top with your root beer of pick.

Ta-da! Add a cute blackness-and-white straw and your tootsie ringlet drink is now ready to serve.

History of the Tootsie Ringlet

The Tootsie Roll processed dates back to 1896. Information technology was invented by Leo Hirschfield who named the paw-rolled candy for his girl. They were priced at simply ane¢!

Tootsie Pops were invented afterward on in 1938 and introduced fruity hard candy. Below, I show you how to make this into a Tootsie Pop cocktail if you like!

How I Met Your Female parent cocktail

Remember that episode of HIMYM Season ane where Ted meets "the Slutty Pumpkin" at a Halloween political party? She's a character nosotros later learn is named Naomi, played by Katie Holmes.

And her favorite drink to brand? Information technology's the Tootsie Roll cocktail, of course.

I hadn't seen the bear witness when I made this for the first time, merely now HIMYM is a favorite. If you're here because of this beverage, welcome! I hope you'll conform up and stick around for some awesome beverage recipes.

Sign up for my weekly Cocktail Mail service correct here!

above view of two cocktails with a bowl of tootsie roll candies

How to brand the best tootsie gyre cocktail

Since this drink has such a uncomplicated ingredients listing, make sure you use a really proficient root beer. The fewer ingredients are in a recipe, the more than the quality of the ingredients matters!

The best java liqueur

Java liqueur tin either requite the root beer more sweetness or information technology will add a deeper flavor to give the Tootsie Roll drink some more complexity.

Kahlua is probably the most popular make out there, only you take some other options:

  • If y'all make your own homemade coffee liqueur, you tin can bring in the flavor of your favorite coffee beans.
  • Try Mr. Black's Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur which, thanks to the cold-brew process, has a smoother, less bitter coffee flavor.
  • Patron XO Cafe is a coffee-flavored tequila that is deliciously balanced betwixt sweet and dry out. I like sipping this one solo.

Non-alcoholic version

If y'all'd like a not-alcoholic Tootsie Roll drinkable, you take a couple of options.

Root beer is usually not-alcoholic (don't get the one labeled "hard root beer) but you'll desire to replace the coffee liqueur with something non-alcoholic.

  • Mix with nada-proof coffee liqueur. Lyre's Java Originale is a non-alcoholic coffee liqueur.
  • Use espresso. I employ my Nespresso motorcar to mash espresso. If information technology's too strong, you can stir in 1/2 ounce of simple syrup or use more root beer.

The best root beer

Using a high-quality craft root beer will make all the difference.

Proficient root beer will have that signature sassafras flavor. Sassafras is a strong, fragrant spice with an earthy season that has notes of anise and lemon. Root beer can also have flavors of cinnamon, birch, vanilla and wintergreen.

  • Check your favorite local breweries to run into if they make and canteen their ain root beers.
  • Maine Root's root beer has a powerful flavor that is made the erstwhile-fashioned way. I also really dearest their spicy ginger beer.
  • I also love Boylan'south root beer which is made with real cane saccharide.

If you lot want to make your tootsie roll drink actress boozy, you could brand this cocktail with a difficult root beer, AKA alcoholic root beer. I certainly won't tell anyone!

two tootsie roll cocktails with black and white striped straws and tootsie roll candies

Tootsie whorl drinkable variations

At that place are a number of ways you can brand this drink your own! Feel free to experiment and come up up with something succulent.

  • Try a flavored coffee liqueur. Kahlua has a few flavored versions of their product, including French Vanilla, Hazelnut, Mocha and Cinnamon. Ane of these flavors would be really tasty with root beer!
  • Brand information technology a float. Add a scoop of vanilla ice foam to make a Tootsie Scroll root beer float!
  • Apply hard root beer. There are a few brands of alcoholic root beer out at that place, which would increase the alcohol content of this cocktail.
  • Utilise diet root beer. At that place'due south cipher incorrect with nutrition soda! This cocktail would still taste great with diet root beer if yous prefer it.
  • Make it non-alcoholic. Utilise a null-proof java liqueur or freshly-brewed espresso to make a Tootsie Curlicue drinkable without alcohol. (Scroll upwardly for more on this!)
  • Get in a Tootsie Pop drink. Add a fruit-flavored spirit to this recipe. Here are a few ideas…

Tootsie Pop drink

To make a Tootsie Pop cocktail, add ane ounce of fruit-flavored vodka to this recipe. Tootsie Pops come in five flavors. Chocolate, Cherry, Orange, Grape and Raspberry.

  • Chocolate: Add ane ounce of creme de cacao to add together more chocolate flavor to your Tootsie Roll cocktail.
  • Scarlet: Add together one ounce of scarlet liqeuer, such as Luxardo, to make a scarlet Tootsie Pop drink. You can likewise add 1 ounce of juice from a jar of cocktail cherries or Maraschino cherries.
  • Orange: For an orange Tootsie Popular cocktail, add 1 ounce of triple sec or a height-shelf orangish liqueur like Grand Marnier or Cointreau.
  • Grape: Use 1 ounce of grape schnapps, such as De Kuyper, or grape liqueur, such equally Dr. McGillicuddy's brand, to make your cocktail gustation similar a grape Tootsie Popular.
  • Raspberry: Add i ounce of raspberry liqueur, such equally Chambord, to make this a raspberry Tootsie Pop cocktail!

Or have fun with other fruity spirits you lot might have on hand.

two tootsie roll cocktails with black and white striped straws and tootsie roll candies

When to serve a tootsie scroll drinkable

Tootsie Curlicue Cocktails are so easy to brand, they're perfect for serving at a Halloween party.

There is no need to spend a lot of time behind the bar shaking up a complicated cocktail.

No party this yr? Sip one of these Tootsie Curlicue Cocktails as you look effectually for those trick-or-treaters to band the doorbell.

And, it doesn't have to exist Halloween to savor a Tootsie Roll drink! You can certainly bask it any fourth dimension. (Or peradventure for a HIMYM marathon?)

Regardless, the question of the night volition certainly be, "How many sips does information technology have to get to the bottom of a Tootsie Scroll cocktail?"

Kahlua cocktails

If you love coffee liqueur, you lot will love some of these other recipes:

  • The Kahlua Coke Float features coffee liqueur, cola and coffee water ice foam for a boozy, caffiene-filled care for.
  • These Baby Guinness Irish Coffee Jello Shots are so fun for St. Patrick'south Day! They look just similar mini Guinness cups but taste like an Irish coffee.
  • A Black Russian cocktail features java liqueur and vodka. A cousin of the White Russian, this one doesn't feature whatever cream.

Cheers! // susannah

two cocktails next to a square, black bowl of tootsie roll candies

This cocktail is part of a big Halloween blog hop. From invitations to party favors and everything in between, we have lots of inspiring ideas for a swish, black and white, grown-upward Halloween political party. (My favorite kind!)

Exist certain to hop over to all the creative blogs that are office of this Black + White Halloween Party Blog Hop:

  • Halloween Party Invitation // Designs by Miss Mandee
  • Chilling Floral Centrepiece // Lemon Thistle
  • Design Your Ain Pumpkin // Michelle's Political party Programme-It
  • Halloween Bracelet DIY // Cupcakes & Cutlery
  • Skull Processed Favors // Not Just A Mommy

Pin this recipe for afterward!


  • ice cubes
  • ii ounces Kahlua coffee liqueur
  • 6 ounces root beer


  1. Fill glass with ice. Meridian with Kahlua, then make full entirely with root beer. Serve with a straw.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 1 Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 397 Total Fat: 0g Saturated Fat: 0g Trans Fatty: 0g Unsaturated Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 0mg Sodium: 33mg Carbohydrates: 53g Fiber: 0g Sugar: 53g Poly peptide: 0g

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